Come December and it is Christmassy everywhere with ‘muncy murkus, crunchy kul kuls and punchy Christmas cakes etc. But real Christmas is ‘Love in Action’. In the absence of the students the faculty of Carmel School put up a short programme depicting the story of the birth of Jesus. The programme commenced with a Prayer Service followed by the skit. Sister Sarika A.C the Principal in her message greeted everyone with good health and joy of Christmas. In view of Christmas entire faculty participated in the ‘Christmas Carols’ Competition and the prize were awarded during the programme.











































Mrs Lathika ALT(G) who was felicitated by State Chief Commissioner, of the Bharat Scouts and Guides in recognition of the efficient services rendered by her for ten years was complimented .

The programme was compeered by Mrs. Lara D’Souza, Administrator Sister Rose Agnes A.C and the School Managing Committee member, Mrs Lavita D’Souza graced the occasion.


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