• The Working days from MONDAY to FRIDAY are divided into two Sessions. The morning session extends from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and the afternoon session from 1.00 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
  • The working hours on SATURDAY are from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 noon. The Students are not allowed to loiter on the corridors or on the campus during working hours.
  • On the teacher's arrival in the classroom the pupils must rise and remain standing till they have prayed, salute the teacher and then take their seats. When the attendance roll is called, each one must rise and answer to her name.
  • No pupil is allowed to leave the school during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
  • Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. Leave of absence from school even for a few periods for attending marriages, Functions, etc., must be applied in advance, in the form supplied in the School calendar. The general terms of excuse, 'for some business', out of Station' etc. are not acceptable. Hence give specific reason for absence.
  • When a pupil has been absent from school without Leave Note for some reason not foreseen, e.g. illness, she must, on returning to school, bring a Leave Note from her parents or guardian in the form supplied in the School calendar. If the absence exceeds three days the leave note must be forwarded to the Principal. Continuous absence for 15 days from school without permission will lead to the removal of the student's name from the school register. In such cases, re-admission will be done only after payment of Rs. 200/-. Re-admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The school authorities will have full discretion in this matter.
  • Special notice shall be taken of absence without Leave Note from an examination and at re-opening of classes after the holidays. In the case of illness the production of a Medical Certificate shall be required.
  • Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers, habitual inattention to school work, obscenity in word or act are sufficient reasons for the temporary or permanent dismissal of a pupil. Minor offences such as coming late to class, damaging school property etc. are punishable by a fine.
  • The school does not hold itself responsible for the pupil's conduct outside its premises. It, however, takes cognizance of any serious misconduct of its pupils committed outside its precincts and should any serious charge be fairly substantiated, the guilty shall be punished according to the gravity of the offence.
  • Students performance will be assessed continuously in various ways such as class work, assignments, projects, participation in classroom learning, neatness and systematic completion of work etc. Assessment will be informal most of the time, but it will be an ongoing process. Students have to spend time daily on personal study.
  • Classes I to V follow trimester system and will have Evaluation 1, 2 and 3 at the end of each term. Classes VI to VIII follow semester system and will have 4 formative assessments and 2 summative assessments.
  • Students promotion will be based on their entire year's performance.
  • Pupils should wear the prescribed school uniform which is modest and becoming school children. Skirts to be tailored below knee length and Tights to be worn by all girl students compulsorily. The prescribed foot wear from Monday to Saturday is black shoes, with white socks. However, black rain shoes without socks are allowed during the rainy season from June to September.
  • Books, magazines, newspapers etc., not approved by the Principal, should not be brought to the school. If they are found in the school premises they will be confiscated and action will be taken against those students who brought them.
  • Books, umbrellas, Tiffin, etc., should have a name or mark by which the owner can be easily known and all stray or unclaimed articles should be brought to the Principal's Office.
  • No student or staff member will be called to the phone during school hours. In case of urgency, however, messages received on the phone will be conveyed to them. Students are not permitted to bring or use mobile phones within the school campus.
  • Pupils must not join any clubs or societies or make any engagements that would interfere with their studies without the Principal's permission.
  • Playing or shouting inside the school building is not allowed. A pupil is not permitted to enter any class room other than her own without permission.
  • When prayers are said at the beginning and at the end of class all will pray respectfully.
  • Any letters to students addressed to the school are subject to scrutiny by the Principal.
  • School Diary must be brought daily to school.
  • Late comers Record/Cleanliness Record/ Homework not done/Misbehaviour Record will be maintained in the school diary/Anecdotal Record and these things will be communicated to the parents through SMS.
  • Students are forbidden from entering the laboratories except with the permission of the teacher in charge. All equipment and materials given to students for practical work should be handled with care. Each student with practical work should maintain an observation record book, which should be regularly submitted. Students who are irregular in practical work are not eligible for promotion to next class.
  • Library, Computer lab and laboratories are significant and integral assets of the school. Huge amount is invested into them. Students are expected to use them with great care. Any loss or damage will have to be replaced or made good by student concerned.
  • Letters officially addressed to the Principal should enclose reply postage.
  • Pupils should adhere to the discipline of the school whole-heartedly. They should follow the bells scrupulously particularly bells given after the recess time, both forenoon and afternoon. They should never leave the school premises during the intervals. Parents should provide a written request asking permission even for noon meals.
  • Catechism/Value Education/Moral Science classes should be considered equally important as the other subjects.
  • The school has a Junior Girl Guide Company and Bulbul Flock. Students who wish to be enrolled in this will be required to get the written permission of their parents. They are also informed that attendance at regular weekly meetings, occasional hikes and outings out of class hours are compulsory for all members.
  • The pupils who pass in all the subjects in all the examinations during the year scoring 85% marks in each subject in the aggregate from V - VIII and 90% for I - IV will be awarded Merit Certificates. If the student is absent for any one of the exam or subject, including Value Education and Computer, are not eligible for Merit Certificate.
  • It is mandatory to wear the prescribed school uniform regularly by the students. Any additional like the scarf, burqua, shawl and other objectionable gear are not permitted to be worn with the uniform in the school campus.
  • Students are not permitted either individually or in group to hold activities or worship other than those organized by the school authority within the campus.


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